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Development Vision





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Aote leisure products has shown strength strong, but still a developδ$γing enterprise。


Development, forever is the existence ™​form of Aote and leisure products, the c↔&‌®ompany will consistently to create wσ≈¥ealth for the Aote i✔πndustry company and its employees φ≠←poetry is the source of life, the first dri₽→ving force of the entrepreneurial spirit as thβ≠™e survival and developme™​ §nt of enterprises.


Future development of trac≥♣↔k is "group capital operation, professional€γ± management of enterprises." For 2017 to become listing Corδγporation.




All Right Reserved :L✘₩inHai Aote Leisure Pro↔λ ducts Co.,Ltd

