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About Aote

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Linhai Aote Leisure Products Manufacturσ>e Co., Ltd. was founded in March 2003, located ©δin Linhai City, Zhejiang Provinceβ<¥σ.We got easy transportation,it is 5 km away γ→♦from Ningbo-Taizhou-Wenzhou Expr∏​essway, and it will be 1.5 hours to Ningbo,2 hou₩÷rs to Hangzhou and 4 ho≈≥εurs to Shanghai by car.♥ש→


Aote owns advanced technology, heav✘↓y investment in R&D and facilities, we☆↑ ✘ have an area of 30,000 ©↓★§square meters and abou✘☆t 500 staff. As a dedicated outdoor♥¶♣  furniture manufacturer in Linhai, we have 10 ye₽φ£¥ars production experien÷©•☆ce,we are pecialized in folding lou δnger,camping bed,folding gaz×βebo and umbrella,the output of th λese products has increased by a wide margin. O α ur turnover is about nine millions USD on 201βα2. most of the products sales to wor& £≥ld famous retailers,like MGB,OBI,REWE etc.,   π♣it has evolved to take a Ωαδleading position in the field inα γφ China.


We got authorized import & export licence,we™₩↔→’ve passed ISO9001 authentication in 2010, ♥"We adhere to the philosoph★α↓y of people-oriented ★₩and quality live. We started form OEM but noφ¥&÷w gradually become develop my ow&≠πn products.The annual p→₽roduction capacity is 300,000 pcs of‍≥∏> camp bed, 400,000 pcs of lounge be∑π≠ d, 400,000 pcs umbrellas, and 300,0"•00 sets of other items. We warmly $λ ™welcome you to visit my company.

Life is beautiful, Aote will ma  kes it better.



All Right Reserved :LinHai Aote Leisure Product★≠§♥s Co.,Ltd

