Competition of modern enterpr×←↔↔ises, in fact, is the talent competition§•®¥. Our talent strategy stems from l€≤arge Founder, kind, fair, good faith &↕ε$≥quot;of the values adhere to" peopleα✔φ-oriented, poly before Soc€iete Generale "management philosophy and&q↔βγuot; open, just and fair "employmenφ™✔t criteria, promoting c>δommon development of enterprises and employees♠¶ , as create wealth "value orie≥λ ntation.
1、"Open, just and fair&quoΩ←♣φt; employment criteria
Public - any policy is closely r₩→ε♠elated to the vital interests of t↓×₽÷he employees, the introduction of the sy₹✘✘'stem should be fully listen to the views of stafλ₩f and the supervisio≤&λ©n of the staff is wid¶ely accepted in the implementati$♠on process. Fair - fair verdict on th₹e basis of common values mployees; each emp✔'₹γloyee a clear, challe♦★♣≥nging goals and task<<♠≤s, a fair verdict base¶₹λ₹d on employee performance"×.
Fair - give each employee labor t∑↕o reflect the return of the "inter™≤nal equity and external fairness"; provideλ♣σ fair opportunities andγ conditions for the deve &lopment of each employ↑™ee, to expand fair competition o≈✘®↕n the basis of sincere cooperation and∞← responsibility commitment。
2、Advocates "common develo✘≤&pment of enterprisesπ¥ and employees"
Stressed people-oriented corporate emp±™loyees and common development of¥± enterprises, respect for "≈Ωemployees' career developm>₹ent needs. Recommendati≈∞∞ons provide employees with career development pδ®$εrocess, it is necessary to consider the company's☆σ future strategic needs, but also to consid₽er the employees 'personality tra₹♥™its, aptitude, vocational interλ✔ests and other factors that affect the ≠♥↑success of the employees'φγ' career, the employees an£$☆d the company to form a community of ₽ interests, employees to share the benefit♥→∏₩s of enterprise development。
3、Create wealth for society's value φ® orientation of social responsibility is the e↓<ssential characteristic of a suc¥♣₹ cessful business
As a responsible corporate, nurturing talent, p♠÷₩roviding employment opportunities not on↓∑ly to improve the core cα✔₩ ompetitiveness of enterprises,$$✘ is also a corporate obligati≠φons to society when large enε↔✘terprises actively engaged in public welfaλ£↔re undertakings, both employees feel the fa≠™γ&mily atmosphere of the enβ∞♣terpriseincreased employee pride¶₩σ and cohesion, but also inspired the st★aff and customer service, investme© nt enthusiasm of the wo₩♥rk to maintain good communication and in∑☆≈teraction of business and society. Throug₽>•h the donor socially vulnerable group§✘δs, and other forms of public λ→"service activities, to ≠×promote the positive, heaσ<lthy, mutual aid, up in society。 |