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Talent Strategy





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Mid-level leading cadres

Middle-level cadres incentives and as ↓∞αsessment restraint mechanα∞±ism, and gradually form the middle₹★ of cadres, treatment can go up oε>∏r down the dynamic

Management mechanism, and fully‌α § mobilize the enthusiasm and sense of innovati₹¥on and reform of the mi¶☆d-level leadership cadres, and enhance t• he sense of responsibili♥≈ty and sense of miss÷§→‍ion of the cadres。

1、Revenue Allocation to changeπ✘ the middle-level cadres, fully linked to the in&✘come of the middle-level cadres of the unit resu∞$​lts。

2、The implementation of l¶Ωeading cadres at risk of mortgage ±​payment system。

3、Innovative middle-level cadres annual evaluat×✘↔ion schemes, the establishment of a sc"≤ientific and fair middle-level cadres<"€₽ appraisal system, increa↕™ Ωse evaluation functions of the cadresα•π₹ promoted exchanges out and r¶"eward linked to efforts to use。


Reserve cadres

Establish re-selection, more importantly, cult≈‍ure, bold, dynamic managementα$ of the reserve cadr₹‌§♥es management mechanism。

1、Create a new reserve cadres selection≤‌<α mechanism, do a good job of δβΩ reserve cadres selection。

2、To increase reserve cadres culture promot≥>☆ed efforts to use。

3、The reserve cadres dynamic manα÷agement mechanism。


Marketing personnel

1、Create marketing efforts "two♦€✘ mechanisms"。

2、Open recruitment dealership p→±≥ersonnel to improve the quality of t<∏he marketing staff。


Technical staff

Focusing on a comprehensive selectε≥ion of professional and technical leade€£rs and technology projects bidding, reward s↓♣ timulate enthusiasm and ≈¶εcreativity to the work of scientific and techσ φnical personnel。

1、Established leadership♦≠Ω$ and technical personnel to ingratiate themse♠★✘lves with the contact system. Fully reflect♦✘π♦ the care and love of the senior leφ★↓•adership of technicians and wor∑Ωkers technicians。

2、Selection and training of professionγ‍al and technical leaders, ₩β the establishment of a trapezoidal-level tech≈α>nical team of top-no‍↔δtch talent, and give full"±‌€ play to take the le≈δ→ad of their academic and point ÷<to an area。


Operation of workforce

Adhere to a variety of incentives, hig¥←•hlighting the distribution according t&₹o work, the basic princi↑φ®×ple of distribution according to contributio♠∞★×n reward, fully reflects the wide range of large♠★ operating labor value.

1、Operatives cascade training with in >↕centives。

2、The leadership of the company ↔'to ingratiate themselves with thα×‌e workers technicians contac✔→Ω☆t system。

3、Established operating workers yield commissionε'× bonus distribution policy。

4、Vigorously carry out the activities of £₩αworkers in the operation d↓εivision with only。

5、In accordance with the idea of  ↓±£"professional, trades, and  ®actively carry out multi-skill activit&¥ies。






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